I have just started using Foundation by Zurb today and so far i like it very much. It makes building a website really fast. I already saw how to create rows with the number of columns i prefer and nested columns. Now i have a question though. Before using Foundation i was developing a website that was made of a wrapper containing a header with a nav menu and a div with an image slider that was overlapping the header and partially overlapping the underlining section of the website where the main content is displayed. I did that by using relative positioning with fixed pixels. Now using Foundation can i recreate the same positioning? The website i'm doing with Foundation is responsive till now so i would like to keep the responsiveness. I think i can't use pixels, so should i use percentages for defining the properties top and right of the div? I'm not sure how to do because the grid is made of columns. I attach an image of what i would like to obtain, in order to make it clearer. This is just a simple mockup but you should be able to understand.