overiding constructors section of textbook not making sense

The text in the book i am reading states in summary\[quote\] "Technically, constructors cannot be overidden because they have same name as the current class. New constructors are created instead of being inherited. This system works fine;..." \[/quote\]The part I don't understand is when they say this:\[quote\] "when your class's constuctor methods are called, the constructor methods with the same signature for all your superclasses are also called . Therefore, initialization can happen for all parts of a class you inherit"\[/quote\]What I don't understand is the same signature section.... It comes accross to me as though all the constructors must have the same signature, and then when you initialize a child class object all it's super classes will automatically be called instead of having to call super(arg1,arg2) for each sub class.... Is this what they are stating?