I am creating a web app using ASP.NET MVC, which shows some articles to user.And there is a summary of every article on a \[code\]div\[/code\].Currently, I'm loading the whole content in summary \[code\]div\[/code\] and set this style \[code\]overflow:hidden\[/code\] for that. This is the result:
But that fragmentary line (last line) is ugly, also whole content is downloading to user's computer, which is bad for speed and performance.I want to have something like this: (the image below is my goal)
(Remove that fragmentary text at last line, and add \[code\]...\[/code\] at the end of text)Also it is good to avoid downloading whole content to user's computer.How to do that?PS: Anyone know a better title for this question?!