overflow:auto bug in IE5 for Mac


When using overflow: auto for an element inside a page, the page nonetheless becomes long enough to contain the entire content of the element, even though part of it is hidden. This causes your page to scroll down as far as where the hidden content goes. This is a known bug in IE5 for Mac and very annoying to me. Has anyone found a workaround???<br />
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an example of this bug is <br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.xs4all.nl/%7Eppk/js/ie5mac/auto.html">http://www.xs4all.nl/%7Eppk/js/ie5mac/auto.html</a><!-- m --><!--content-->How about using an IFRAME? It's not a very good solution but I wouldn't think there's much of an option apart from it :(<!--content-->well, I'm actually redesigning a site and the reason is that I needed to get rid of the iframe design it originally had. so that's not really an option<!--content-->hum, thanks for the suggestion. it doesn't seem to work but I was wondering if anyone knew of a way in the body tag to specify based on the browser which scroll setting to apply to the page (default, auto or no)? <br />
If you change the scroll setting in the body to "no" it will prevent the page from scrolling alltogether. This would be fine for IE5 Mac users but I don't want to impose that rule on PC users as it would be a pain not to be able to scroll the page if your screen resolution cut part of the design.<!--content-->