Out of the Sandbox?


New Member
Well my website http://www.ewebdevelopment.net is finally being seen in the top 1,000 results for my targeted keyword on google.I noticed my site made an appearance for the term "new jersey web design" about 4 days ago. When i noticed, my site was ranked in position 850. Over the past 3 days my site has improved by over 100 listings each day. Currently my site is ranked 190 and climbing steadily.Anyone else with a site launched in March starting to see their site in the SERPs ?hmm, this is wierd. Just checked my position tonight, seems as though i jumped back up in the 800's for my ranking.Maybe the datacenter earlier today was more updated, anyone have any ideas ??Well, by which tool you check your rank?one question from my side, I have optimized and uploaded my pages.. and its cached by google as I can see the changes I have made, but still no changes in SERPs, any idea why ? or does it take time to index itself?kashyap