ORIGINAL pr Hints/tips


New Member
let's dish out some GOOD advice- not things we already know.1) don't underestimate the power of your own site linking to your own pages. divide the site into sections, and have each section link to AS MANY PAGES AS POSSIBLE in the sidebar. some of my "inside" pages have a PR or 5 with <i>no external links at all</i>.2) a dmoz trick- deepliking will very, very rarely work. but here's what you can do: dmoz allows a submission in both your regular category AND the "kids and teens" category. use it if it's applicable. example of how great this is: the link to my site from "kids and teens" is a PR of 7, the normal dmoz link is a not-so-great 4. not only that, fewer people are typically in the "kids and teens" directory so google won't register it as a link-flooded-page.3) zeal trick- unlike dmoz, you can deeplink like crazy here. link every subsection of your site that you can. this won't help your PR directly, but since zeal is open source, other sites will copy it and you'll get links from there.4) wikipedia- add your links to every wikipedia entry that's appropriate. many of these have REALLY high PR pages. add your own!Yes, internal page linking increases PR, but not as much as it use to. I have many sites with internal pages of 5 or 6 that have links on every page (navigation). I am thinking this method with diminish its importance even more in the future. Google is already looking at the first few quadrants of linking ip addresses. With DMOZ, I didn't even know there was a kids section, Ill have to look into that. Another thing that DMOZ allows is a regional listing, but this may be pretty well known. Deep linking, yeah hardly, but every once in a while an editor picks up one of my sites internal pages that he thinks works well with their category. Ex. I have an ornament site that has a section with boyscout ornaments, and an editor picked up the page for his boyscout category.With Zeal, I thought only Looksmart editors could add commercial sites, or were you talking about non-commercial sites.wikipedia?...Ill have to look into that.yeah, sorry, that is just for non-commercial sites.wikipedia examples:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy (free link from a PR 5 for me)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_Enix (free link from a PR 5 for me)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squaresoft (free link from a PR 5 for me)and then one for each individual game:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy_X-2 (PR 4) etc etcquite nice, and very simpleyeah I gotta say that's one of the best free tips I've ever recieved. I just added 10 or so PR 5 and 4 links to different parts of my site from very relevant pages.Wikipedia is interesting. It's amazing that so many people have contributed information to these pages.Wikipedia is pretty much for just non-commercial sites though, right? Have you seen any commercial areas there that could help me I came across a fair amount of commercial sites listed in the External Links section of pages. For example they have a page for Violin. Where they discuss the parts of the violin, and the basics of playing. So under external links I added a link to my Instructional Violin Books and Videos.I would have to think that if your link is a natural progression from the page it's ok. For example someone learning about the parts of the violin is likely to want to learn how to play the violin.It's just a matter of seeing if they have topics that relate to your sites.First time i ran across Wikipedia. Thanks for the info. This is very interesting.vetofunk wrote:Hi, Thanks for informing me on wikipedia.beefcakejcc wrote:well some guy actually went through and removed my links. So we're having a bit of a dispute. It's weird because there aren't any moderaters so you have to come to an agreement with a complete stranger. So some people allow commercial sites and others don't. For example Gibson and Fender guitar companies have actual pages detailing their history with links at the bottomYou would add a link by adding an External Links section at the bottom of the page. All of the final fantasy links above have Links sections at the bottom of the page for examples. You would find a page where your site is relevant then click on edit page and follow the form from the Final Fantasy pages to add an external links section.I added mine when I saw this thread about a week ago, but apparently they weren't counted in my backward links for this google update. I hope they will on the next and they don't have some no follow on the links.2 weeks ago, I submitted sub -sections of my site to wikitravel and they subsequently removed the links. tried for the second time and still the same. Sub-sections are relevant to their topic too. Seems like that they don't encourage linking sub-sections..Tell me if sub- sections of yr site are added ! What is the actual distinction between commercial and non-commercial sites? If the site has ads or sponsors, does that make it commercial?no, lots of sites with ads make it on.if the site exists to make money rather than to give information out, it's commercial.