Organization Website - Need Advice


I am setting up a website for my organization. I would like to have a public page, and then a members page. Of course the member's page should be off limits to anyone that is not a member. I was thinking about using php-nuke, so I can make last minute announcements on the main page, and have articles and information for the members that they can get anytime they need it. I would also like a main area for those who are interested in our organization, and want to join, or ask for our help. Should I use two php-nuke installations with a link from the first to the second? Then the link would only show up for those who are registered on the first site? Are there any of you that are doing this and have good advice for me.<br /><br />What are your thoughts about how to do this?<br /><br />-Scott<!--content-->
It has been a whle but as far as I know you can create groups in nuke and set access rights. There should be no need for a second installation.<!--content-->