Hi everyone. My first post here I have few questions about organic indexing on google or any search engine for that matter. How does google decide to promote your site from let say page 100 to page 50? What does that depend on? Backlinks? Content? How old is the site? number of Visitors? Keywords?How long does it take for you to move up the indexes once your site is crawled?I'm working on a new blog site of my own (only 2 days old) which i plan to update almost everyday. I've submitted the site and site map to google webmaster tools. I've also submitted the site to few free directories for inclusion. Once google has carwled the site to their index, what can i do to move up the indexes besides updating the site with new content everyday? Choose right keywords and emphasis on few keywords.How can i better choose my keywords. For example if im optimizing for keyword "Apple iPhone" then i should be using that word as much a possible in my content?For keywords, they use the anchor text.So if a site links to you with the keywords as anchor text, google takes this as a vote for your site for those keywords. So if you have more links and the quality of the link is high, then you will rank well.First of all, if your going after competitive keywords, don't use a blog, get a real domain name.With the rest of your post, there is no one answer, your asking how to do SEO. I recommend doing some research on this forum and then asking specific questions on things you may not understand.Hope this helps.mig35 wrote
anny Sullivan perhaps?Though I doubt even he can know half of those factors.mig35 wrote:For a good position in Google, you need to know what keywords your target audience will type in in Google and how competitive they are. For example Web design would be more competitive than web design birmingham. People will more likely type in the city or town they are closest to, so they find something local.Once you have determined your keywords and areas, you can then implement them throughout your site, trying to repeat them in the text in Headers, paragraphs, bold, italics. Also in the code and alt tags. As Google looks for the best match it searches the whole sites code and text as well as backward links to see which will be more valuable for that particular search. If you can get backlinks from other sites with high page ranks, as well as getting them to link keyword rich text and your areas, this will improve your page rank and visitors.Adding News feeds like RSS and drop down menus including keywords helps as well. You need a good balance of everything.Claire \\Link removed. Please use the signature option in the control panel for your links