ordered lists & font size


okay - this may be remedial but I can't find an answer anywhere! how can i change the font size of a number in a numbered list? i tried putting it in the style tag where i put the font name - but that didn't seem to work. i did learn all sorts of new stuff in my search (like how to make it number using letters, etc).<br />
anyway - here's the style info from my header & what i tried to do but it didn't work:<br />
<br />
<STYLE type=text/css> BODY {FONT-FAMILY: Arial,Verdana,Helvetica; FONT-SIZE: 2}<br />
<br />
I also tried many different font size numbers to no avail. help!<br />
TIA,<br />
sb<!--content-->hi shellyblake,<br />
<br />
you can change the color and size of a number in a list with the following code.<br />
<br />
<ol><br />
<font size="size" color="color"><li> whatever </li></font><br />
</ol><br />
<br />
you just put the <li> tag inside the font tag.<br />
<br />
now if you want the number to be pretty big and red and the text nest to it to be smaller and blue, you would do this:<br />
<br />
<ol><br />
<font size="+4" color="red"><li></font> <font size="+1" color="blue"> Text </font></li><br />
</ol><br />
<br />
hope this helps, any thing else you need help with, just shout.<!--content-->Thanks GREGO!<br />
I knew it would be easy - can't believe I didn't think of trying that! jeez!<br />
sb<!--content-->if you wanted to use CSS the following will work:<br />
<br />
<style><br />
li {font-size: 10px;}<br />