Oracle8 - IIS5 problem


New Member
Hi all!

I have a problem with the ASP page hanging (also hangs IIS) under win200.
Any help would be appreciated. The connections works fine otherwise, it's just
affected when i'm using the date function. And only when running it from the W2K server.
I'm using MDAC2.5. Tried 2.6 but it's the same problem.

The below string is included in a SQL select string.
".... WHERE a.DATE_ENTERED > TO_DATE('" & date - 180 & "','yyyy-mm-dd') AND ...."

When i run this under NT4 Server it works fine. However when i'm running this under
Win2000 Server it just hangs. Doesn't even display an error message, it also hangs IIS so a restart of IIS is necessary. However if i remove this line from the sql string it works

I'm running Oracle8. The date/time settings are correct and the same on the two
servers. Why won't it work under w2000!?

And is there any other way to compare dates (todays date - xx days) in Oracle ??
