Oracle SQL error ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis


New Member
How are you all?Basically I've written up this bit of SQL code to create a table but I keep getting the error stated in the title, any idea as to why?Here's the code: \[code\] CREATE TABLE staff( staffID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, firstName VARCHAR2(20), lastName VARCHAR2(20), addressLine_1 VARCHAR2(30), city VARCHAR2(15), postcode VARCHAR2(7), telephone VARCHAR2(15), salary DECIMAL (19,4), branchID INT FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES branches(branchID) );\[/code\]Also here is the code for my 'branches' table\[code\] CREATE TABLE branches (branchID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, addressLine_1 VARCHAR2(30), city VARCHAR2(15), postcode VARCHAR2(7), telephone VARCHAR2(15), manager VARCHAR2(20));\[/code\]Any help would be appreciated!Thank you!