I get to connect to Oracle 8i Local DB with php_oci8, but I can't to connect to remote database.
I'm using...
Windows NT 4 sp6
Oracle Client 8.0.5
I use a little code for to connect with ocilogon.
if ($conn = ocilogon("system","manager","TSNservice")){
print "connected";
print "fail to connect";
...but the oralogon function return:
"TNS:could not resolve service name"
I can to connect using SQL Plus to remote service, what means that my tnsnames.ora is work fine...
I read something about Apache solutions, but I'm using IIS 3 and I can't read to much about that web server.
* The Oracle Client 8.0.5 works fine with php?
* If I use IIS, I have to me ke any change o special configuration on the ORACLE HOME???
Can somebody give me any idea...what can I to do?
I'm using...
Windows NT 4 sp6
Oracle Client 8.0.5
I use a little code for to connect with ocilogon.
if ($conn = ocilogon("system","manager","TSNservice")){
print "connected";
print "fail to connect";
...but the oralogon function return:
"TNS:could not resolve service name"
I can to connect using SQL Plus to remote service, what means that my tnsnames.ora is work fine...
I read something about Apache solutions, but I'm using IIS 3 and I can't read to much about that web server.
* The Oracle Client 8.0.5 works fine with php?
* If I use IIS, I have to me ke any change o special configuration on the ORACLE HOME???
Can somebody give me any idea...what can I to do?