I have performed and extensive search of this site and yet to find a viable example of using clob. So here is one that works for me. $the_blob=$htmlbody; $db = OCILogon("randalls","dofa7h"); $clob = OCINewDescriptor($db, OCI_D_LOB); $stmt = OCIParse($db,"insert into web_content (wc_id, wc_owner_id, wc_link, wc_date, wc_title, wc_category_id, the_blob) values (web_content_seq.nextval, $ownerid, '$weblink', SYSDATE,'$title',$category, EMPTY_CLOB()) returning the_blob into :the_blob"); OCIBindByName($stmt,':the_blob', &$clob, -1, OCI_B_CLOB); OCIExecute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT); if($clob->save($htmlbody)){ OCICommit($db); }else{ echo "Problems: Couldn't upload Clob\n"; }