Optimising page processing by creating advanced SQL query

I have this weird code on site. It gets all records (order by pozycja), then it creates some kind of stack and limits shown records to 10. However if there are over 200 records, it takes too long, because it's processing whole table, instead of 10.Values used: \[code\]$int_ilosc_na_strone = 10;$liczba_wierszy = 200;Podzial_na_podstrony::get_limit_object($int_ilosc, $int_ilosc_na_strone) = 10;$order = NULL;public function produkty_kat($adres, $liczba_wierszy, $int_ilosc_na_strone) { require_once('lib/Podzial_na_podstrony.class.php'); $rozloz = explode("/", $adres); $id = $rozloz[2]; $order = $this->podaj_order($adres, 'kategorie'); if (empty($order)) { $order = 'produkty.pozycja ASC'; } if ($order=='price') { $order = "produkty.cena ASC"; } $firstack = $this->database->pobierz("SELECT id FROM subkategorie WHERE kategorie_id = '$id' ORDER BY pozycja"); foreach($firstack as $firstack) { $stack = $this->database->pobierz("SELECT id FROM sub_subkategorie WHERE subkategorie_id = '{$firstack['id']}' ORDER BY pozycja"); foreach($stack as $stack) { $prods[] = $this->database->pobierz("SELECT produkty.id FROM produkty, przyporzadkowania, stany_magazynowe, gk_grupy_produkty WHERE stany_magazynowe.produkty_id=produkty.id AND produkty.id=przyporzadkowania.produkty_id AND przyporzadkowania.sub_subkategorie_id={$stack['id']} AND produkty.widoczny='1' AND produkty.id = gk_grupy_produkty.id_produktu AND gk_grupy_produkty.id_grupy=$this->int_id_grupy AND gk_grupy_produkty.towar_widocznosc=1 GROUP BY produkty.pozycja ORDER BY $order"); } $temp = array(); foreach($prods as $o) { foreach($o as $o) { $temp[] = $o; } } } $temp2 = array(); foreach($temp as $o) { $temp2[] = $o; } $wynik = $temp2; $int_ilosc = count($wynik); $this->int_liczba_wierszy = $int_ilosc; $obj_limit = null; if ($int_ilosc_na_strone > 0) { $obj_limit = Podzial_na_podstrony::get_limit_object($int_ilosc, $int_ilosc_na_strone); } $temp = array(); $c = 0; foreach($wynik as $v) { if(is_object($obj_limit)) { if($c >= $obj_limit->min && $c < ($obj_limit->min + $obj_limit->max)) { $temp[] = $v; } else if($c == ($obj_limit->min + $obj_limit->max)) { break; } } else { $temp = $wynik; break; } $c++; } $paged = $temp; return $paged; }\[/code\]It's one big mess, and I think that there's way to make it cleaner with SQL joins.Thanks for help!Update:I want to set products in corresponding category/subcategory/subsubcategory (this is function for main categories) in specific order. It's stack-like, because every product has only its position inside specific subsubcategory. Subsubcategories have position in subcategories, subcategories in categories.So it looks like:category
- subcategory 2 (position 1)
-- subsubcategory 6 (position 1)
--- product 11 (position 1)
--- product 7 (position 2)
-- subsubcategory 3 (position 2) --- product 3 (position 1)
--- product 2 (position 1) Etc. "pozycja" field is position, and number right after element is its id. So now I have to loop through elements, then set the stack and return only piece. DB name: panelepo_sweb