Opinions on splash pages


What is the opinion out there on splash pages? Like them, hate them, or indifferent?<br />
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I am redesigning my site, and am trying to decide if I want to put in a splash page. Nothing fancy like a Flash movie or anything, just a static page with a simple graphic or two with a link to the main content page.<br />
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Anyone?<!--content-->I think I remember splash pages a year or two ago. they were a big trend...emphasis on trend. Why? Because they make your already impatient user wait even longer to see the content. If this doesn't make sense......read this out loud-<br />
OUR VISITORS WANT CONTENT, NOW!!! The splash page gets in the way. That said, if you have a really nice splash page, and it fits the content of the page (emphasis on "if")...by all means..go for it!<br />
I read some tips on splash pages, here they are....<br />
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Make sure there is a link that goes directly to the content (usually home page) available immediately.<br />
make the DHTML, Flash, or static "splash" page load quickly, and auto link to the content (home) page quickly after it is done.<br />
use a method like cookies so that visitors will view the splash page ONLY the first time they visit..not each and every time. (Thats for you and your boss to do)<br />
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[Edited by Dr. Web on 02-12-2001 at 08:24 PM]<!--content-->Splash pages suck. They're sorta like book covers, but book covers actually serve a purpose, splash pages don't. More and more they are just an excuse to show a stupid flash movie. <br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->They're OK, but use sparingly. They're a bit slow to load, though.<!--content-->Once in a blue moon I see a good splash page, although I can't recall any off hand. However, sometimes splash pages are used deceptively to reroute traffic to different places, other than to the site. There are also too many that take a good while to load, I haven't stayed around to view all that many that took more than 5 seconds. All in all I'd say you're better off without them. I say if oyu want to make some cool flash, work in into the site as content.<!--content-->Well, it was just going to be a static image, but you all have helped me decide. While I was debating it, I was leaning towards not putting one in, but I just wanted to see what everyones opinion on splash pages were.<br />
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The verdict is in: no splash page :D<!--content-->