Opinions on My website - plus question about menus.


hi all--<br />
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I have just started making my website "newer" and I was wondering if i could get your opinions on it?<br />
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My Site (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://aw2-forum.tripod.com">http://aw2-forum.tripod.com</a><!-- m -->) <br />
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I also need help. I was wondering if i can make changing the left links easier. My site updates its links frecuently and I was wondering if there is an easier way to do it? currently I have to go to each html page and change the URLs, so is there any easier way to do it?<br />
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Thanks!<br />
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Necz<!--content-->http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Faw2-forum.tripod.com%2F&doctype=XHTML+1.0+Transitional&charset=iso-8859-1+%28Western+Europe%29&verbose=1 no doc type, no encodeing, table based layout w/ no css styleing, lots of host inserted java script for popups: your site is a model for inaccessability.<br />
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As far as the menus, the best way to do it is with a server side include, but to my knowldge tripod does not support this, you need a better host asap, tripod sucks hard, just under geocities in craposity. If you still like the terra lycos network then host yourself on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://lycos.co.uk">http://lycos.co.uk</a><!-- m --> and get some php includes going, otherwise find a whole new host all together that supports one of the following<br />
SSI ASP JSP ASP.NET CGI PHP cold fusion.<!--content-->Okay, I changed hosts.<br />
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here is the site now: My Site (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://aw2.firewebx.com">http://aw2.firewebx.com</a><!-- m -->) <br />
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It supports php and cgi. I dunno if it supports any other, but i know it supports those. As for the doctype, what would that be for my site?<!--content--><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> would be the easiest to do, but I validated it on <br />
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><br />
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> would be the best if you are willing to redo your whole site with a css layout, or css styled tables.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://quasi-ke.servebeer.com/hybrid.html">http://quasi-ke.servebeer.com/hybrid.html</a><!-- m --><br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://quasi-ke.servebeer.com/hybrid2.html">http://quasi-ke.servebeer.com/hybrid2.html</a><!-- m --><br />
those show how to make a css table hybrid layout that is valid xhtml 1.1. You may take the source code from those and modify them as you see fit if you wish to use those. Some good basic css layouts can be found on <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.bluerobot.com">www.bluerobot.com</a><!-- w --><!--content-->awww, is that the only way to make the menu thing work?<!--content-->Originally posted by Neczy <br />
awww, is that the only way to make the menu thing work? ... no, a table css hybrid layout is the only way to make your code valid and accessable. If you want to learn about why validity and accessability are important read the last link in my signature. I do not know php or cgi so I can't tell you the include syntax, but Ill search the forum real quick for it.<br />
<br />
<?<br />
include 'yourotherfile.inc';<br />
?> <br />
<br />
basically take the content out of that menu and put it in another file, a text file, and give it a .inc extention. Then put that code I posted above on your main page where you want the menu to be and give you main page a .php extention. The .inc extention just denotes that it is a file you are includeing, you can keep it as .txt or .html if you want, so long as it is text format. But your page that is getting the external file parsed in will need a .php extention. All of your pages can call the same .inc file if you want.<br />
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edit: making sites that are inaccessable is a crime in the united states and united kingdom, and you can be finned, and someone who cannot get to your site because of your site's inaccessability can take you to civil court over it, no joke.<!--content-->Originally posted by PeOfEo <br />
<?<br />
include 'yourotherfile.inc';<br />
?> Though you might want to use PHP tags in their full form (i.e., <?php) because not all servers have short tags enabled and therefore by using the full form the script will become more portable.<!--content-->we had the discussion a long time ago, this is just 32 characters, and this is 28, but this caqnnot go between other directories, that takes 34, remember that?<!--content-->Just a note on includes... with them you can create a sort of databse. If you're interested in PHP, then you could get deeper into it. Even if you don't have any database languages avalialble to you, you could use text files and then have a script like mine. You can also do variable includes i.e.:<br />
<?php<br />
$foo = $_GET['x'];<br />
include "top.php";<br />
if(file_exists("someDir/".$foo.".txt")) {<br />
include "someDir/".$foo.".txt";<br />
}<br />
include "bottom.php";<br />
?><br />
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Just a suggestion... makes things easier, or at least for me it does.<br />
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Oh yeah- about your site. It looks pretty good actually, althou it is a tad bland. Maybe a header or the such would help it out... are you good with graphics.<!--content-->Yea somewhat. Im not sure what colors would look good, lol even though its white, i dunno...<br />
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any ideas?<!--content-->Well since everything goes with white, just pick your favorite color.<!--content-->okay I got the .inc thing to work, thanks much.<br />
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Now, question.<br />
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To have valid code...does case matter?<br />
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should everything just be lowecase?<!--content-->Originally posted by fredmv <br />
Though you might want to use PHP tags in their full form (i.e., <?php) because not all servers have short tags enabled and therefore by using the full form the script will become more portable. bah, I do not know php, I just got tha from one of Jona's old posts :p. Yes case does matter, in xhtml you need it all in lowercase, in html it can be upper and lower. In xhtml you also need to put a / in all tags that do not have an end tag, i.e.<br />
<img src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"" alt="" /><br />
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<hr/><br />
<input type="text"/><!--content-->so for my site does it really matter?<!--content-->For XHTML, you need a space and THEN the closing slash....like so...<br />
<br /><!--content-->I think that someone should wrte a definitive list of reasons... I'm too tired to....<!--content-->Just a note about using .inc for your include files:<br />
The .inc extention just denotes that it is a file you are includeing, you can keep it as .txt or .html if you want, so long as it is text format <br />
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You might get hacked by some one after your source code (might reveal DB access passwords etc). If you were to type: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.yourdomain.com/some_guess.inc">www.yourdomain.com/some_guess.inc</a><!-- w --> (and such a file existed) then you would see all you php code in all its glory, whereas if it had a .php extension it would be parsed by the server (even if it caused errors), but the code would be safe. I would stick to .php, maybe kept in a separate directory. <br />
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I like the color blue BTW. I sometimes look in paint catalogues (Crown, Dulux etc.) see what colour combinations are used...these people know their colours<br />
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My tuppence-worth...<!--content-->I like the layout. I do agree you need a header of somesort and possible some other graphical insertation. although i did notice you do not seem to close you paragraph tags. i.e <p></p> <br />
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you should consider this as it is well, er, invalid.<br />
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many regards,<!--content-->I heard that closing them is optional.<!--content-->there's an extremely simple way to update all the links at the same time.<br />
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1) make a php file named something like nav, navigate, links, whatever (nav.php)<br />
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2) put the HTML necessary for the links into this file (no body tags, just the links)<br />
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3) rename all your page files .php<br />
<br />
4) add <br />
<?php include ("nav.php");<br />
?><br />
<br />
where the links are supposed to be on eveyr page<br />
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voila!<!--content-->Yah i did that with the .inc file<!--content-->You could also do that for the head and meta information...<!--content-->Originally posted by neenach2002 <br />
For XHTML, you need a space and THEN the closing slash....like so...<br />
<br /> since when? I am not failing my xhtml validations on pages without leaving a dad gummed space. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://knights.europe.webmatrixhosting.net/hybrid2.html">http://knights.europe.webmatrixhosting.net/hybrid2.html</a><!-- m --><!--content-->For some reason, I thought you needed a space before the slash....maybe it's been changed and my HTML book is outdated?<!--content-->I've read that somewhere as well. Something about I.E. not recognizing it because it read the element as br/ i think it was on alistapart.com....<!--content-->