Hi, is there any way of creating a simple on hover underline rollover that works in Opera and Mozilla as well as IE? Using css does the trick for IE but not the other two.<br />
<br />
Thanks<br />
Jamie<!--content-->are you shure you doing the css right jamie? try this, has to be in that order
<br />
<br />
a:link {color:#000000; text-decoration:none;}<br />
a:visited {color: #000000;text-decoration:none; }<br />
a:hover {color: #ecfb03; text-decoration:underline;}<br />
a:active {color: #ECFB03;text-decoration:none; }<!--content-->correct, those browsers will do hovers, but NS4 will not<!--content-->
<br />
Thanks<br />
Jamie<!--content-->are you shure you doing the css right jamie? try this, has to be in that order

<br />
a:link {color:#000000; text-decoration:none;}<br />
a:visited {color: #000000;text-decoration:none; }<br />
a:hover {color: #ecfb03; text-decoration:underline;}<br />
a:active {color: #ECFB03;text-decoration:none; }<!--content-->correct, those browsers will do hovers, but NS4 will not<!--content-->