Opera and IFRAME


New Member
I am having a problem accessing the innerHTML of an IFRAME in opera. I have read bits and pieces saying that this property does not exist in Opera, but is there a workaround? The code I am working with is thus:

<div id='talkdest' class='item'></div>
<iframe id='talksrc' name='talksrc'></iframe>

function refresh() {
____frames['talksrc'].location.href = 'include/talksrc.php?random=' + Math.round(Math.random() * 10000);
_____document.getElementById('talksrc').innerHTML = frames['talksrc'].innerHMTL;
_____// The above line is what I am having problems with
____setTimeout("refresh()", 5000);

Ideally I need a cross-browser solution, but Opera is the most important to get working.
- Xavier
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