Opening windows


Staff member
I have noticed lately that using (javascript) can get buggy in IE. (Sometimes browsers hang when is used for the second time. (Known bug not always fixed by Service Pack 1 for IE 6.0)<br />
So, I want to abandon as much javascript as possible. If you click a hyperlink using target=_blank is it possible to set what size the window opens and where it opens. (Funny really, if you abandon javascript, you realise what a limited interface the web is.)<!--content-->I don't recall opening new windows being buggy, but if you're talking about IE that's rather understandable. Moreover, why would you want to open new windows in the first place? It is inaccessible (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ndows.html</a><!-- m -->) and most users find it quite annoying since they should be able to decide whether they want links to open in new windows or not.<!--content-->Thanks for the lesson but if you are writing a business application there are many occasions when you might want more than one window open.<br />
The main one I have is that the 'home' page used by people using the application is incredibly complex with a lot of calculations being done to present an overview of the current state of the business. If someone wants to drill down into one of the jobs and I open it in the same window then, when they go back to previous page, it has to be reloaded placing additional strain on server resources and incurring a time delay for no reason. It is perfectly user friendly to open a new window, smaller than the main window, and put a close button on it.<br />
My question was not whether it is a good idea to open new windows but whether it is possible using HTML to open a window with a defined size and location and without using Javascript. Opening windows using is a known bug with an alleged fix on Microsoft's site.<!--content-->No, HTML cannot control any properties of the opened window. The target attribute is being phased out (it does not exist in basic XHTML), and like Fred said it should not be used. I've not heard of a bug either (though it wouldn't suprise me).<br />
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Aren't your pages cached? When the user goes back from the "drilled-down" page, surely they see their local cached version and do not need to call it up again?<br />
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Adam<!--content-->Thanks for your reply. I find the comments about not opening a new window interesting. You are obviously happy to let people use a back button to go back to a view of data that may no longer be valid. I will not allow this.<!--content-->As stated above, the only way to control the creation of a new window is through Javascript. HTML link targets will replicate the existing window configuration.<br />
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Although I try to never open a secondary window on the same application, I also disallow the viewing of possibly invalid information via the back button by expiring problematic pages and by giving them active navigation means back up the tree so those pages can be regenerated properly for them.<br />
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(Funny really, if you abandon javascript, you realise what a limited interface the web is.) <br />
True, but only if you expect it to replicate the UI of a client/server application. Most of "richness" of the latter I've found to be gee whiz eye candy with little relavence to the actual business process.<br />
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Not much added value here other than an "I feel your pain" expression, especially having to deal with pitiful little IE as the "corporate standard" on your intranet. Best of luck to you.<!--content-->