opening forms in new sub windows


Righto then<br />
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I have created a webpage with links to some enquiry forms, in which the user can enter their enquiry details.<br />
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I know that to get these forms to open in a new window requires a TARGET="_blank" attribute.<br />
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But how do I get the new window to open as a smaller, pop-up type window, i.e. not full screen?<br />
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thanks<!--content--><a href="javascript:location='current.html';'nextpage.html','label','height=h,width=w')">Link Text</a><br />
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current.html is the page where this code will go.<br />
nextpage.html is the page to open in a new window.<br />
label is the 'title' of the new window.<br />
height and width are self explanatory.<!--content-->You should provide an alternative link for the ~13% of users with JavaScript disabled, or better yet--not use the jaavascript: protocol at all.<br />
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[J]ona<!--content-->thanks for your help.<br />
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unfortunately the above code doesn't work for me, i get a "Cannot Find Server" message.<br />
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i have tried the suggested A HREF link code, and also inserting the main parts of this into the FORM command.<br />
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any other suggestions?<br />
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cheers<!--content-->Your 404 "File Not Found" error is a result of not changing the variables suggested by s0ms0m.<br />
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[J]ona<!--content-->to jona<br />
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-its not a 404 File Not Found error its a Cannot Find Server error.<br />
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- of course i changed the variables.<br />
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- i may well write an alternative non-javascript link, right now i just need one that works...<!--content-->Server errors are from the server... Only time I ever get a server error is when there is something wrong on the server-side... Did you get a JavaScript error?<br />
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[J]ona<!--content-->still not sure what the problem is. haven't received any javascript errors.<br />
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i have attached my original txt file, at present the buttons open the forms in new windows, which is o.k., but if anyone can get them to open in smaller windows i would be grateful.<br />
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cheers<!--content-->If you're sticking with JavaScript, remove all spaces from the label element.<!--content-->