opening *.dot extensions under IE


Staff member
Hi there guyz, <br />
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I have a problem/question concerning opening microsoft word templates with the extension of *.dot. <br />
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The thing is, i want to be able to put a hyperlink on my page, something like a fill in form, in *.dot format for example, and the dot file contains a macro wich if opened in Word starts a menu were you can insert text so that it is autofilled in the document. <br />
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No i want to put a link to that filetype in my site, and so i did, i loaded the site in internet explorer, but it did nothing else but open a blank word document under internet explorer. <br />
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What do i have to do to make it able to open a dot extension under internet explorer by clicking on a link and that it also runs the macro menu??? <br />
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I know its difficult to understand, but believe me its just as difficult to explain <br />
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If anyone has a suggestion or knows the awnser, please reply. <br />
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Greeting, <br />
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Marijn Wijbenga <br />
VanDoorne Lawyers Amsterdam <br />
The Netherlands<!--content-->Hello Marijn,<br />
welcome to the forums. You have a lengthy signature at the bottom of your post....if you register, it will appear automatically each time you post.<br />
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Now for your question....<br />
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If you link to a microsoft word document, IE usually opens it in WORD inside the browser. This is what I believe your experiencing so far. BUT your macros aren't working? This might be a security hazard, as macros can contain viruses, and are akin to executible files. Users will most likely be prompted each time they were to 'view' this file...and they can choose not to view it. <br />
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Here is where I get lost a bit...<br />
You want to fill in the info in a word document, and transfer it to the web pages form? I am not sure why you'd want to do that, and I am not sure if it is possible. Are you simply trying to ease the input of the information for the user? I would guess that a well written HTML form would be more efficient than using a macro enhanced word document...especially since not all users may have word installed/ or have knowledge of how to use it. <br />
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Do you have a URL so that we may see what your working on? I'll try to help out as much as I can.<!--content-->Hi there,<br />
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Thanx for your quick reply, the thing about the signature, well i dont understand, i pressed lost password, received a mail, but is doesnt seems to be working when i enter my username and password above the message im posting...<br />
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But now the problem i was trying to explain.<br />
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I think you might be right about the securety thing, but the issue about making it an html form isnt on the hand.<br />
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Ill explain the situation, and what i want to achieve.<br />
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First of all it might come in handy to say that this is all going on on the office were i work.<br />
We are building an intranet, so its not online!!!<br />
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The other thing is, we have, as an office, templates on every desktop, so that every lawyer/secretary etc.. can work with forms to do there reports, fill in there timewriting forms etc....<br />
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The usefull part of an intranet, is that these documents would have to be on every desktop, but can be simply on 1 central place, in stead of on every desktop.<br />
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If i would be able to insert such a form on my intranet, then everyone in the office could go to the intranet, browse to the templates part, click on a link, the link activates a new window(browser) a empty word document is loaded, the macro starts up a menu, they can fill in the menu with the data they want to fill in, they press submit in the macro-menu, the data is filled in, they save the document, and there ready.<br />
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These word templates containing these macro-menu's already exsist, i merely want to know what i have to do to make it able that the macro-menu loads, when the link is clicked.<br />
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And yes, word documents load in internet browsers when i click them in internet explorer.<br />
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I hope i've made thing more clear?<br />
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Please tell me if i did not, then i perhaps can upload it to my private homepage, so that u all can see for yourself.<br />
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Greetings,<br />
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Marijn Wijbenga<br />
VanDoorne Helpdesk<br />
Amsterdam, The Netherlands<!--content-->Hmmmn, so all you need to do is get the macro-enabled word document to load in your web browser. Now I understand clearly, but I have little advice to offer. The good news is, that one of the other members may have some prior experience with this. Also it may not hurt to check <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> 's website to see if your version of IE supports macro-enabled documents. <br />
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about your username/ passoword....<br />
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if you Log In does it show your name? Have you set cookies to 'on'? Does it accpet your username/ pass combo? <br />
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Thanks!<!--content-->thanx for your help!<br />
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were do i find that other member? wich has expierence in this?<br />
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greetz Marijn<!--content-->Well the forums have a lot of web-savvy members! They stop by, read posts, and usually find YOU! Just give it a little time. <br />
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Don't forget to do your research on Internet this may be a limitation of the browser itself. <br />
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Why don't you post a word document, with a macro on it here (use the attach file button on the 'post reply' page). <br />
Then I'll try to link to it and see what I get.<!--content-->i want to insert thisd dot file so that it loads in i-net explorer.<br />
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i could not upload dot files :( so Download <!--more--> this file of this link.<br />
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http:\\\temp\<!--content-->I am getting file not found.....<!--content-->It was dead<!--content-->the file opened, I see content...but no macros. On exit I was prompted to save. Is this what you had in mind?<!--content-->there u go,<br />
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Did u opened via internet expl. ?<br />
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Because if u save it on ur hdd, next to ur, it should start a menu., thats what i said, it isnt starting a menu when loaded in internet expl...remember :)<br />
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GreetingZZzzz<!--content-->no I didn't save it, as it wouldn't be different than me accessing the file via network on your local machine. <br />
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I'll check MS website for word/ IE compat with macros....<!--content-->Why are u so helpfull, getting payed for it???<br />
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Thanx man, i ow you ehm like thousand? :)<!--content-->OK, I can find nothing that confirms/ denies that internet explorer supports word documents containing macros. This hardly means that IE lacks the support, but I went through a good portion of the MSDN databse looking for this topic....and came up empty.<br />
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I would have to assume at this point that you would need to contact Microsoft customer support, and inquire about IE's support for more info.<br />
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I am going to assume MS did not include the ability to run the macros inside a browser, as it would be a potential security hazard. You may be able to customize the browser to suit your needs, though it would be a case by case basis. <br />
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Finally, I did go ahead and save the file to my HD, and I opened it in word....still no macros. No menus. Just text. <br />
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And I am being helpful, just because its a good challenge. As I understand it, all of the moderators volunteer.<!--content-->