opening content in a table


Ok, I have a table all set up with one of the boxes set up to have a scroll bar when content passes it's boundries. That's working great, it's popping up the scroll bar when the content warrants it, but here's my question... how can I open a seperate webpage (in this case a guestbook) in that table?<br />
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So I want to be able to put just the web address of this guestbook in the table, and have it open it in that location... hopefully I explained this well enough.<br />
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Andy Oliphant<br />
The Thirteenth Hour<!--content-->OK to open another page in a table cell you need to replace your css<br />
<br />
<td style="overflow:auto;"></td><br />
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or whichever way you've done it, with<br />
<br />
<td><iframe src="guestbook.htm name="iframe01"><a href="guestbook.htm">Your browser does not support inline frames. Please click here to open the guestbook.</a></iframe></td><br />
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You can specify the iframe size using style="width:100px; height;100px;" inside the iframe tag.<br />
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The iframe then opens a spearate page and displays it in the cell. It will bring it's own scrollbars so you don't need yours.<br />
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The hyperlink in between the iframe tags is to enable people with older browsers which may not support this method to view the content.<!--content-->Oh yeah I guess I'd better say this before everyone else jumps on you and says it: You shouldn't use tables for layout. You should use css.<!--content-->Awesome, works perfectly, thank you. Now hopefully the guestbook program I'm using allows me to set the width (default is a bit too wide) and the scroll bar color. Anyway, thanks again the site's looking great.<br />
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Andy Oliphant<br />
The Thirteenth Hour<!--content-->