opening a new window to a page that uses frames


Staff member
I would like to make links on my main page that opens a new browser window. The link will be to a website that uses frames. This website that I will link to has a top frame which contains links for navigation as well as a main frame at the bottom that the links in the navigation target. For example, this is how the index.html page of the page that I will link to looks:

(File called index.html)
<FRAMESET ROWS="20%,80%">
<frame src="navigation.html">
<frame src="main.html" NAME="bottom">

This means that when I link to the page, the top frame will contain navigation.html and the bottom will contain main.html.

Is there a way that I can make a link to this main page and specify that a different html page appear in the bottom frame other than "main.html"? (For example, I don't want the user to have to click on a link to the index page then have to click on the "ABOUT" link to get to the about page. I would like to make a direct link to the "ABOUT" page.)

I know that if I made a link such as:

<A href="index.html">The Page</A>
When I click on the above link, I will see a page with the navigation in the top frame and the main page in the bottom such as:

MAIN ABOUT PAGE2 (top frame)
THE MAIN PAGE (Bottom Frame)

Is there a way I can make a link to the index.html and specify a that different page appears in the bottom frame other than main.html? For example, can I make a link that goes directly to the "ABOUT" page and still make it have the Nvaigation frame at the top such as:

MAIN ABOUT LINKS (top frame)
ABOUT PAGE (Bottom Frame)

Thanks for any advice. I apologize if my question is unclear.
If this requires javascript, something such as:

<A HREF="javascript:void('index.html', 'Window'))">

would suit my purposes the best. Thank you for any suggestions.