Opening a new window from a hotlink


I have a form where if the user selects the help button, a help file appears in a new window (that way, the user stays on their current window as well). This is done by:<br />
<br />
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Help" VALUE=" Help "<br />
onClick="createWindow('Display/dsp_help.cfm','window2','width=500,height=300,scrollbars,resizable=yes')" STYLE="Width:80"><br />
<br />
In addition to the help button, I also want this help window to appear when the user selects a hotlink. The problem is, whenever the user clicks on one of the hotlinks, the new help window appears, but the main page also changes and turns into the help page. <br />
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So, how do I set up my code so that when a user selects on a hotlink, the main page stays "as is" and only the help file window comes up.<br />
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Any ideas is much appreciated. Thanks!<!--content--><a href="#" onClick="createWindow('Display/dsp_help.cfm','window2','width=500,height=300,scrollbars,resizable=yes')" STYLE="Width:80"> <br />
<br />
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try that.<!--content-->That's it. <br />
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It worked like a charm. Thanks a lot.<!--content-->no problem :D<!--content-->