I am building a site that parses a spanish dictionary. If you look up the word HOLA, you will receive the definition, but for other words, you get suggestions, like CASA: http://verbum.xtrweb.com/verbumpost.php?word0=hola&word-1=casaI wish to: when you click on the suggestions (like CASAR in the example I posted above) to print the result in a div like HOLA. Here is the code I am currently using:\[code\]$words = array('word0','word-1'); function url_decode($string){ return urldecode(utf8_decode($string)); } $baseUrl = 'http://lema.rae.es/drae/srv/search?val='; $cssReplace = <<<EOT <style type="text/css"> // I changed the style </style> </head>EOT;$resultIndex = 0;foreach($words as $word) { if(!isset($_REQUEST[$word])) continue; $contents = file_get_contents($baseUrl . urldecode(utf8_decode($_REQUEST[$word]))); $contents = str_replace('</head>', $cssReplace, $contents); $contents = preg_replace('/(search?[\d\w]+)/','http://lema.rae.es/drae/srv/search', $contents); echo "<div style=' //style ", (++$resultIndex) ,"'>", $contents, "</div>"; }\[/code\]I am starting to code, so please be patient, I have also tried with some DOM code a friend suggested but it failed to function.