Opening <A HREF="file://....> in original appication


I'm using <A HREF="file://..."> linking to Word and Excel documents and want these to be opened in Word or Excel rather than being opened within the browser.<br />
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Is there a way this can be done?<br />
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TIA,<br />
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Mark...<!--content-->The documents ARE being opened in Word and Excel, it's just you have the browser window around it. If you go to View and Toolbars you should have all the same Toolbars and functionality that you would normally have in these programs as far as I know.<br />
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I'm not sure if there is a way of stopping the browser buttons showing, if there is I don't know it.<!--content-->Cheers Goldilocks, if that is your real name ;-)<br />
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I didn't know about the view|toolbars|standard which does help, but I'd still rather spawn the external application if possible.<br />
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I'll awaut further replies...<br />
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Mark...<!--content-->Geda,<br />
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I've had the same problem before so I'd be keen to see if anyone knows a PROPER way of forcing the Office plugins to spawn new apps instead of in-browser versions.<br />
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As a workaround we rigged it in JS and so that when you left clicked on a link it did the right click action instead and conned it into offering up a Save to Disk... option. That's about the best we could manage - but I don't have that code anymore.<br />
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Sorry - I'm not much use really. :D<!--content-->I can't really use JS as I'm not HTTPing as such - just using a collection of HTML files. Nice idea though.<br />
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S'pose we'll have to wait and see if anyone else can help...<br />
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Mark...<!--content-->Sounds like a job for an ActiveX control. But since I'm not a programmer I can't tell you more than that.<br />
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Kevin<!--content-->Thanks for that - another thing to try out! :)<!--content-->