Opening a frame link in a new window


Hi,<br />
Is there a setting for the <iframe> tag to ensure that all links within the <iframe> open in a new window and the iframe remains unchanged automatically?<br />
Thanks<!--content-->Try putting this in the head:<br />
<base target="_blank"><!--content-->no that did work, it still loads within the frame. I think I'll just use javascript. I thought the frame attrinute might be simpler.<br />
Thanks anyway<!--content-->Works for me. You did put the code in the head of the iframe document, not it's container, didn't you?<!--content-->i placed it in the head or the document containing the ifram but it's an asp document should that make the difference?<!--content-->You need to put it in the head of the document that is being loaded into the iframe.<!--content-->oh, ok thanks, that's a good bit simpler,<br />