Not quite sure where I'm going wrong - I'm trying to train OpenCV for object detection with +/- images that I've taken myself. All the steps work ok, but ultimately my Python script won't read my XML cascade file (but will load one of the built-in face detection files).For what it's worth, I'm on Mac Lion running Python 2.7.3.My process:[*]Create a collection file with bounding boxes on the positive images[*]Create a list of negative images[*]Use \[code\]opencv_createsamples\[/code\] using the following command: \[code\]opencv_createsamples -info collection.txt -bg negativeImages.txt -vec positiveVectorFile.vec -num 20 -w 32 -h 24\[/code\][*]Check vector file: images are a bit squished but look ok[*]Run \[code\]traincascade\[/code\] program using the following command: \[code\]opencv_traincascade -data directoryToStoreFiles -vec positiveVectorFile.vec -bg negativeImageList.txt -numPos 16 -numNeg 20 -numStages 5 -mem 1000 -maxHitRate 0.95 -w 32 -h 24\[/code\]Then I run the following Python script (which works with the usual face-detection XML):\[code\]import cvimg = cv.LoadImage("test.jpg", 0)# load detection file (various files for different views and uses)cascade = cv.Load("cascade.xml") # doesn't work#cascade = cv.Load("frontalface.xml") # works# detect faces, return as listdetected = cv.HaarDetectObjects(img, cascade, cv.CreateMemStorage())# iterate detected objects, drawing a rectangle around eachfor (x,y, w,h), n in detected: cv.Rectangle(img, (x,y), (x+w, y+h), 255)# create a window to display the resultswindowTitle = "Test Cascade"cv.NamedWindow(windowTitle, cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)# display tested image until the escape key is pressedwhile True: cv.ShowImage(windowTitle, img) # watch for escape key (ASCII 20) key = cv.WaitKey(20) if key == 27: # save the image to file is specified if saveIt == True: cv.SaveImage("detected.png", img) # ... and quit exit()\[/code\]The result is the error:\[code\]cv2.error: The node does not represent a user object (unknown type?)\[/code\]I've uploaded the cascade file here: Not sure if it's my cascade file, some other problem along the way, or something obvious?