Open in new tab?


Staff member
With the recent surge in tabbed browsers, is it possible yet to open a link in a new tab (that would degrade into a new window for older browsers)? Or is this still wishful thinking?<!--content-->that's what i'd like to know... but so far, nobody's been able to figure it out, it would seem.<!--content-->How would pushing content to a new tab be a Good Thing? Sure, The People Who Brought You Pop-Up Ads might love it, but I suspect web users would despise it as completely.<br />
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IMO, tabs exist to allow users to remember and customize access to information. I really don't want someone else deciding what I need to have tabbed.<br />
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Even if the planned use were meant to be benign and non-commercial, I don't want a web site to be this obtrusive. I'm not criticizing those above -- the concept just gives me the willys...<!--content-->I like how Opera opens target="_blank" hyperlinks in new tabs, rather than new windows.<br />
I wouldn't be surprised if other browsers adopt this feature.<!--content-->Originally posted by Arctic Dragon <br />
I like how Opera opens target="_blank" hyperlinks in new tabs, rather than new windows.<br />
I wouldn't be surprised if other browsers adopt this feature. Mozilla has a cool add-on that allows you to decide if you want ALL new-window links to open in tabs instead. my god, is it ever a great thing! Multizilla, check it out at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><!--content-->Originally posted by Rock <br />
How would pushing content to a new tab be a Good Thing? Sure, The People Who Brought You Pop-Up Ads might love it, but I suspect web users would despise it as completely.<br />
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IMO, tabs exist to allow users to remember and customize access to information. I really don't want someone else deciding what I need to have tabbed.<br />
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Even if the planned use were meant to be benign and non-commercial, I don't want a web site to be this obtrusive. I'm not criticizing those above -- the concept just gives me the willys... i for one would MUCH rather they adopt tabs instead. new windows are annoying, and why i got into Mozilla in the first place.<br />
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i use new windows on my site to open up off-site links. i would VASTLY prefer to do it in tabs.<!--content-->Transmothra,<br />
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I believe we are in agreement. My interpretation of the first post is that its author wants the ability, as web designer, to auto-open new tabs with specific content. (This is the "HTML Page Layout" forum, after all. ;) )<br />
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As a web user, I favor anything that gives me more control. If the first post was from this same viewpoint, I have no problem with it. I just don't want site authors to have control over my tabs!<!--content-->Originally posted by Rock <br />
Transmothra,<br />
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As a web user, I favor anything that gives me more control. If the first post was from this same viewpoint, I have no problem with it. I just don't want site authors to have control over my tabs! right, but right now everyone's opening up new windows all over the place. we ALL hate those. wouldn't it be better, once tabbed browsing becomes the standard, if instead of new windows they opened new tabs? of course it would be best if they opened nothing new at all, but that ain't gonna happen. (at least the windows i open all have the same unique name - always. that way only one extra window is ever forced on anyone... and if they were using the right flavor of Mozilla (or the right plug-in), the user could control those better, too.)<!--content-->Also, In Mozilla you can right-click a link and select "Open in new tab". Think thats pretty cool and easy. And what Older Browsers are you refering to? I don't think it is possible to do it in IE. Not sure about Older versions of Netscape.<!--content-->IE doesnt support tabs at all... perhaps in the new version 7?<!--content-->Originally posted by morrowasted <br />
IE doesnt support tabs at all... perhaps in the new version 7? one would hope. sadly, i fear it is too user-friendly for MS to get behind. what good's user-friendliness when you can't sell crappy, no-good (even downright malevolent) tech support as often?<!--content-->Originally posted by Badger <br />
Also, In Mozilla you can right-click a link and select "Open in new tab". <br />
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I just middle-click to open links in new tabs.<br />
Mozilla introduced tabs in version 0.9.5.<!--content-->lol trans... microsoft will never catch up<!--content-->Actually the intention was to possibly open a secure connection in a new tab for online ticket purchasing while leaving the normal browsing session open in the original. (I'm working on a theatre site)<br />
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Also, for off-site links. My thing about new windows is, well, their new windows. They eat up space on the desktop, and can slow down some computers with useless multiple toolbars, etc...<br />
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I have been dreaming of a tabbed browser since day one of my online experience and they are finally here. :D It has been heaven since. I'd have writen my own, but am just starting to learn C in my spare time.<br />
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open in new window = :O@ ('nuff said)<!--content-->