Open Excel template with Hyperlink


hi,<br />
In my firm , we are required to fill a form for any Hardware software purchases. We have created a form using Excel Template. I want to give a link to this excel template on our firms intanet site . But the problem i am facing is that when the link is clicked it opens the template itself and not an instance of the template(like it usually happens when a u double click on an excel template). The link i have given is something like this "forms\PR.xlt". Is there a way i can open an instance of the template.<br />
Moreover, it opens it in a browser, is there a way to force it to open it in excel itself. <br />
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Thanks. I am really new to Web designing :(<!--content-->no, if the user has the excel plugin than you don't have a choice of it opening in the web browser.<br />
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and what do you mean an instance? it is either open or not.<!--content-->By an instance i mean that when u usually click on an excel "template" it opens an excel "Workbook" which is a copy of the template (so that users can create different workbook using that one template. for eg a purchase order template. you make a template using the format u want , and then whenever someone wants to make a purchase order he double clicks the template and it creates a workbook for him using the format of the template)<br />
So to sum up things , the problem i face is that when i give a link to the template , it opens the template itself for modification and not a workbook like it should normally do.<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->I am not really to sure if you can.<br />
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try reading these and see if it is what you want<br />
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