Open a Recordset from a received XML file without persist it


Staff member
Hi. I'm sorry, my english is bad.We are sending a recordset to the server with the XMLHTTP send method. Atthe server, we receive the file, persist it and then, we open the recordsetand process it with the followind code.Do you know how to directly open the received XML data, without persist itto a file?(We currently use ADO 2.1 on the server)Thank you in advanceCarlos TealdiSoteicaArgentina<%Set RS = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.RecordSet")Set oXML = Server.CreateObject ("Microsoft.XMLDOM")oXML.load(Request)file = Server.MapPath ("\") & "\Sist1.xml"oXML.Save(file)RS.Open file, , adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdFileDo while...Loop%>