Open a new browser window from aspx.vb code


New Member
i am trying to open a new browser window when button is clicked.<BR>i can do it using javascript function but i have to pass a hidden column value to the new page. the problem i am facing is to assign the value from grid_selectedindexonchange event. <BR><BR>my question is: is it possible to open a NEW window from the vb code (like for ex. it is possible to redirect to another page with page.response.redirect (url) code)?????<BR><BR>Please help.<BR>IrinaSorry if I have not understood,<BR>But isn't opening a new browser a Client Side issue?<BR><BR>As you say, you can use javascript, but this could be written by your Server Side code ...<BR><BR>Response.Write("<SCRIPT> </SCRIPT>");<BR><BR>Where ....... is replaced with items by your grid event procedure.<BR><BR>