Opacity problem


Hi to all,<br />
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I have set a transparency on the background color of a table withe the tag :<br />
style="filter: Alpha(opacity=90); -moz-opacity: 90%".<br />
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That works well, the problem is that all images inserted in that table take the transparency parameters.<br />
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I have tried to reset the opacity of the images w椤僪 the <br />
tag : <img style="filter:progID:DXImageTransform.Alpha(opacity=100);" /> <br />
but it doesn't work.<br />
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How can I reset the opacity in an other way...<br />
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Need Help ! :confused:<!--content-->Nana,<br />
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When I have used the opacity setting, I usually use a <div> to hold the contents. Then I am free to place another <div> above or below and show my content. <br />
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One main problem with this opacity, is that IE5.0, N4.x do not support it. I do not know about N6, however I would presume not. SO just make sure you dont NEED to see through something.... else some of your visitors may be left without content. <br />
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Finally, you may just be able to nest a table inside your original table, and specify its class. <br />
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Good luck!<!--content-->Nana, I'm a rank amateur at this, but could you make a 1 pixel image of your background colour, fade it out and then use it as a background for the table? Would that work around the browser differences, too, do you think?<!--content-->