first of all, I'm pretty much a noobie regarding oop etc, so please be kind.i did read a lot of manuals but somehow got lost in all the stuff and couldn't find the answers so any hints, links etc would be very much appreciatedanyway i find myself in a situation where i need to call a function when a specific method in a class is being executed. However, I cannot touch the class demonstrate, the class is something like this:\[code\]/* icannot touch this class*/class Bar extends Foo {/*some other methods and variables here, omitted for sanity reasons**/function DBSave(){ /*stuff gets saved to db etc*/}/*some more methods omitted for sanity reasons**/}/*end of class*/\[/code\]whenever DBSave gets called, I want to run another function but I have no idea how to go about that I tried a few things with extending the class but it just goes wrong or calls it all the time etc....any hints would be greatly appreciatedof course happy to expand on the issue if neededthanks