onMouseOver question..


Hello there!<br />
I'm fairly new here to htmlforums.com, and just had a question about rollover affects and hope that someone can point me in the right direction.<br />
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I am looking for a way so that when you use the onMouseOver affect in JavaScript, my button will not only display a different image(I already know how to do this :) ), but it will also bring up some text in another part of the page. I'm also trying to find out how I can make this text have a 'fade in' affect.. is this possible with javascript?<br />
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Thanks for any help that anyone is able to bring me :) .<!--content-->I'd help you if I could, but you might get a better response if this was under the "Client Side Scripting" topic for stuff like javascript etc, rather than HTML Page Layout. One of the mod's will prb move it for ya though :)<!--content-->This can actually be accomplished using pure CSS. Eric Meyer has done a good demo at css/edge (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/css/edge/popups/demo.html">http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/css/edge/popups/demo.html</a><!-- m -->). See if that works for you.<!--content-->Gotta love CSS. I didn't realize you could get that complex of a rollover effect with it. Thanx for the link;)<!--content-->Great, thanks doogxela! That's what I was looking for :) .<!--content-->