onmouseover image map


I have this frame that I want to have an image map and also a mouseover. The mouseover writes to a form box below the image. But my browser keeps giving me errors and I can't find what they're coming from. Here's the code:<br />
<br />
<head><br />
<script language="javascript"><br />
function writetext(txt) {<br />
document.aform.writetext.value = txt<br />
return true;}<br />
</script><br />
</head><body><br />
<MAP NAME="map1"><br />
<area href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"mybio.htm" shape="poly" coords="10, 31, 32, 61, 52, 33" onmouseover='writetext(" View my BIO."); return true' onmouseout='writetext(""); return=true'></map><br />
<center><form name="aform"><TEXTAREA COLS=21 ROWS=1 NAME="writetext" wrap="yes"></TEXTAREA></form></center><br />
<br />
Thanks for your help.<!--content-->There is such a litte mistake in it:<br />
<br />
.....return true' onmouseout='writetext(""); return=true'></map> ....<br />
^<br />
?br />
?br />
<br />
Have a look at the second return and replace '=' with a space as you have it in the first one.<br />
<br />
regards<br />
<br />
Markus<!--content-->I saw that my illustration might be confusing<br />
<br />
Just ommit the second "=" - your line should look like that:<br />
<br />
.....return true' onmouseout='writetext(""); <br />
return true'></map> .... <br />
<br />
instead of<br />
<br />
.....return true' onmouseout='writetext(""); return=true'></map> .... <br />
<br />
regards - faesi<!--content-->Thanks. I looked over my source and sure enough I had been, for every one (except that one that was in the code I posted) of the return arguments was messed up like that one. Now it works perfectly. Thanks a lot.<!--content-->