OnMouseDown problems with IE on the PC


Staff member
Here is my problem,

I created simple drop down menus using layers. They are triggered when you click on the menu...hold move to select the item, then release on your item to trigger the link.

It works using mousedown to trigger the visibility of the menu, as you mouse over the items in the menu it uses on mouseover to keep track of what item is currently selected. When you release it then sees if it is still over an item, and which one it is. If so it runs that link if not it hides the menu.

my problem comes on ie for the PC, when you click, hold and "drag" to the menu, it attempts to drag the image that triggers the mousedown event. This causes a circle with a line it it (as in you cant do that) and will not pay attention to an mouseover events. Therefore when you relesase the mouse triggering the mouseup event, it will not trigger any links because the mouseover event never happened.

So the question is how do i get ie on the pc to ignore the fact that it has clicked on a image and is attempting to drag it as if to copy it onto the desktop? I need it to be able to click on the image drag to the menu and trigger the mouseover events on the images (items) in the menu.

if you would like to look at the site for reference it is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.evvy.org">www.evvy.org</a><!-- w --> the menu is in the right corner. Note it works cross browser on mac. the issue is IE on the PC.

Thanks in advance
