only one title?

Hello. I've heard that frames aren't the best when designing websites...I'm hoping this isn't one of the reasons why.<br />
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All of my pages have their own titles in the coding, however just one title is appearing for all the pages when opened, the one for the site's index page. This could just be my browser (my browser also refreshes only to the index page).<br />
Please let me know if you can see the other titles, if not, how can I make it so when going to a page within the site, the titles change?<br />
Also, when bookmarking I'm having the same 'only one title' problem...? thanks for the help!<br />
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:) Kelsie<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Yep, welcome to frames :)<!--content-->