Only blog-mainpage shows in Google search

Hi people! I'm new in this forum, so please bear with me if this question is misplaced (and feel free to relocate it).Alright, here it goes: I've made a blog. It has - after some three weeks and a sitemap upload later - shown up in a Google search. But! How come it is only the mainpage I can Google? My blog has 15 perm. pages or so, but still it is only the main page it shows How come and how can I change this? Is it some Blogcurse I haven't heard about?Help if we knew the url of your blog. But without it, I am guessing that because your blog is so new, Google has only spidered the homepage so far. That is usually the first step. Rarely does Google get all your pages at once the first time. Google will eventually get to your other pages, but to speed up the process, it's always good to get some links pointing to those internal pages from outside sources.Again, this is without looking at your blog.Thanks Veto! It makes sense actually.Here's another one though: I just updated my blog (added new content) and then, all of a sudden it only shows up in Google in it's old form. Anybody else tried that? I just don't get it.