One stored procedure to update whole table or individual columns too


New Member
I have a table \[code\]userdata\[/code\] which has these columns:\[code\]userIduserNameuserEmailuserContactuserDobuserAdduserImageuserPass\[/code\]I am using a stored procedure to select data from this table.Now I want to update this table with a stored procedure. I am able to update this table with stored procedure but my requirement is in \[code\]profile.aspx\[/code\] I allow user to update all columns with stored procedure. But in other forms I want user to update a few columns only, for example on \[code\]setting.aspx\[/code\] page I allow user to update only \[code\]userPass\[/code\] column. So I have to make another stored procedure. And I have many tables like this. And I wondered how many stored procedure I have to create to update many tables with different columns.Can anyone suggest a short way so that I can do this with only one stored procedure per table to update whole table or individual columns, too or any c# code to shorten this?Thanks in advance