One navigational table for several diferent pages


Is it possible, and how do you go about creating one navigational menu and using it on several different pages without having to actually write it into each page and then having to rewrite each page if you need to change or add something.<!--content-->Hi Romwin,<br />
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You can do one of several things. Use frames, use Server Side Includes (SSI), or use JAVA script. <br />
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Frames and SSI are most commonly used for this purpose. The webhosting server you use must be setup to allow the use of SSI's and varies slightly from server to server so you need to check instructions for using SSI's on your server.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Im trying to stay away from frames. <br />
what Im trying to do exactly is create a site template for a friend. The best way would be to do it in flash. He changes content frequently so the navigational bar get updated a lot due to this. He would rather not bug me all the time to update the flash navigator. So theres my delema.<br />
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He's using frames now... but beleive me when I tell you it is hideous!!<br />
I wanted to create an easily updatable format so that he could get away from the frames but still only have to update the nav menu once.<br />
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Im not all that familiar with ssi. Do you know of a good reference site for creating this? I found how to add the script to the .html but I've never written that language and need a solid reference. Any other choices than ssi?<br />
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Im decent with php scripting, but not sure if you can import or embed php to .html.<!--content-->Originally posted by Romwin Grim <br />
Im not all that familiar with ssi. Do you know of a good reference site for creating this? <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->well I tried to post this before but it wouldn't go, so I will try agian. :D<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... dex2a.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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that explains SSI<br />
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as far as php in html your server has to support phtml, php3, and php files. in order for you to use the php in html you have to have the extension as one of those. then you can you the include as follows<br />
<? <include > ?><br />
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and that should work.<!--content-->Ok, so, from looking at the link above... <br />
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I put in something like this:<br />
<!--#include virtual="point to file.htmlf"--><br />
<br />
Then, what it gets is basically a html file without the head and body tags. So, do I need to save it as html or htmlf?<!--content-->you can try it both ways. just make sure that the file with the include is file.shtml<!--content-->Ok, Thanks guys... Ill give it a try!!<!--content-->