One link, two frames?!


Hi!<br />
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I have a question that I thought I remembered seeing posted around here previously, but couldn't find.<br />
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I have a website in the works with three frames, top, left, and main. The company I'm building it for has two different sets of prices and products, depending on the client (the general public, and schools & athletic leagues) as they do fundraising. SO, my index page comes up with the three frames, and they're suited for the general public. On the heading I have a hotspot for a link that would take the user to public schools & athletic league information. However, to get it to work properly, both the main and left frames would have to change. (The left frame is for buttons, main for the product information.)<br />
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How would I do this, and is it even possible? <br />
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Any help you all can give me would be huge. Thanks so much.<br />
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~Reb<!--content-->Peep this (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->).<!--content-->Thank you SO much! That helps me tremendously.<br />
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Now, how to make it work with a regular link and not a button! :D hehe<br />
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Thanks, again! :D<!--content-->(With the JavaScript code provided by W3Schools.)<br />
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<a href="#" onclick="changeurl();">Switch both frames.</a><!--content-->