onClick problem!

HI,<br />
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I currently have a link on my webpage with the following code:<br />
<br />
<a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"javascript:;" onClick="window.open('thumbs2/thumbs2.htm','','width=772,height=482')">Link</a><br />
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The trouble with this seems to be, that when you click it any animated GIFs on the original page 'freeze' and do not start again unless its refreshed. The part "javascript:;" was put in by default by dreamweaver.<br />
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Other than actually putting the original page within the href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"self.htm" section causing it to reload; what can be placed between the "" to basicaly make the original page stay where it is when the link is clicked and allow all animated GIFs to work..<br />
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Or if there is another way to this let me know!<br />
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All I need is for the pop-up window to appear onClick or href"", etc..but the original page has to stay where it is, ie not jump back to the top of the page and all GIFs must continue to work...<br />
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thanks<!--content-->This is a guess on my part, try using 'mywindow' and see if that helps.<br />
<br />
<a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"javascript:;" onClick="window.open('thumbs2/thumbs2.htm','mywindow','width=772,height=482')">Link</a> <br />
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Animated gifs have a funny way of halting during events. Maybe someone else will know more about this.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Dreamweaver strikes again...<br />
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That javascript:; call I hadn't seen before; a little odd, if syntactically correct. Try this:<br />
<br />
<a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"#"<br />
onClick="window.open('thumbs2/thumbs2.htm','','width=772,height=482');return false;">Link</a><br />
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Returning false on an onclick handler cancels the default action of the click - loading in a new url (or executing JS code specified by the javascript: protocol.<!--content-->in dreamweaver highlight the link you want the window to popup from.....then link it to "#" then go to your behaviours and call the window pop up<br />
should all work naturally then<!--content-->cheers for all the help,...<br />
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I have used this and it works perfectly...<br />
<br />
<a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"javascript:;" <br />
onClick="window.open('thumbs2/thumbs2.htm','','width=772,height=482');return false;">Link</a><br />
<br />
that ;return false; does the trick! thanks!<!--content-->