onChange event to alter hidden value


New Member
This is probably a simple one, but I am lost...
it is related to one I asked about yesterday. I have an ASP page that dynamically writes out several rows of data per page, max 10 per page. Within each of the 10 rows is a <select> field containing names. I also have a hidden field within each row of data which is set to a default value of 1. I would like to change that hidden value to 0 when the user selects a name from the <select> field, but only for the row selected, not for all the hidden values on the page.
Sounds simple, but because the rows are written out dynamically by asp, each <select> field has the same name, as do all the hidden values...Right now it is not altering the hidden values when I change the value of the <select> field.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.