ommited words in search


New Member
I could be losing my mind but I think that google has just started or just changed the look of when they mention what words were not included in your search.On the results page I'm getting a light grey text just below the search box that says ""on" is a very common word and was not included in your search. [details]"Is this new or have I just failed to notice it in this format before?Its been there for as long as i can can be annoying. A client of mine has been targeting "It Jobs". Do a search for that and:"it" is a very common word and was not included in your search.Well that's part of why I didn't remember being displayed like that before. For awhile I had the bright idea to try and target the phrase "what is a blog" but unfortunately "what" "is" and "a" are all ommitted. I remember realizing they were ommitted I just don't remember being displayed quite the same way. By the way the results for what is a blog are all the biggest blogs on the web basically.You can force google to include all words in the search by putting +before the words you want included.i.e. +it jobs - that will include "it" in the search. can also enclose a phrase in quotes, to search on the entire phrase.