I'm having problems creating the correct connection string for my OleDbConnection object to connect to an Oracle database. Which parameters are required (Provider, Database, etc.)?<BR><BR>With old-school ADO I was connecting with only DSN, UID, and PWD. How is this rewritten in OleDb?<BR><BR><BR>Keith<BR>http://www.able-consulting.com/ADO_Conn.htmI figured it out and it wasn't easy, so I thought I'd share it:<BR><BR>you need these parameters in the connection string:<BR>* Provider ("Provider=MSDAORA" always for Oracle)<BR>* Data Source (not the ODBC data source but the TNS name!)<BR>* User ID<BR>* Password<BR><BR>ex:<BR>dim DBConn_Obj as new OleDbConnection ("Provider=MSDAORA; Data Source=ProductionDB; User ID=Joe; Password=oi;")<BR><BR><BR>and make sure you import the OleDb namespace at the top of the script (not the SqlClient namespace):<BR><BR><%@ import namespace="System.Data" %><BR><%@ import namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %><BR>