OleDB Conn. String to Oracle


New Member
I'm having problems creating the correct connection string for my OleDbConnection object to connect to an Oracle database. Which parameters are required (Provider, Database, etc.)?<BR><BR>With old-school ADO I was connecting with only DSN, UID, and PWD. How is this rewritten in OleDb?<BR><BR><BR>Keith<BR>http://www.able-consulting.com/ADO_Conn.htmI figured it out and it wasn't easy, so I thought I'd share it:<BR><BR>you need these parameters in the connection string:<BR>* Provider ("Provider=MSDAORA" always for Oracle)<BR>* Data Source (not the ODBC data source but the TNS name!)<BR>* User ID<BR>* Password<BR><BR>ex:<BR>dim DBConn_Obj as new OleDbConnection ("Provider=MSDAORA; Data Source=ProductionDB; User ID=Joe; Password=oi;")<BR><BR><BR>and make sure you import the OleDb namespace at the top of the script (not the SqlClient namespace):<BR><BR><%@ import namespace="System.Data" %><BR><%@ import namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %><BR>