Ok someone explain this to me


Staff member
I've been hustling to catch up with the rest of the web community after takinga web design hiatus.Now that I'm back in the game I'm faced with these technologies that whenI left seemed distant and vague.So, here I am faced with XML, XSL, ASP,JSP, Cold Fusion (etc. but primarilythose I listed).Now, when I bugged out I was just getting sick of DHTML. I hated it forit's lack or cross-platform support. For me to do any kind of business site,I couldn't use anything save CSS (and that's only assuming I want to designfor the 4.0 browsers)Now, I'm looking into XML, and I'm wondering if it's not just the same thing?Currently, like ASP et. al., it's server side and only one browser is saidto support it (IE5).The question is, what's the point in designing an XML-centric site today?Sites are upgraded constantly anyway, rarely staying the same for more than3 months at the max. Isn't it more logical to stick with HTML until somethingpractical in the way of XML comes around?One more thing....where did ASP come from anyway? One day, everythings .HTMLthis, .HTM that now every friggin site is .ASP!Jeeze! When did the development community turn on their heals and go backto server side implementation?