OK Here is the data

Here is my html file. I have not uploaded to the server yet. The problem I am having is resizing. I don't want to take up anyones time so take a peak and if I just did a terrible job with this let me know. <br />
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<h4 align="center"> R&R Massage Therapy</h4><br />
<p align="center"> 865-PRO-3LMT </P><br />
<p align="center"> 423-231-9960 </p><br />
<p align="center"> Serving Morristown, Jefferson City, & Knoxville Area. </p><br />
<p align="center"> Chris Riehl L.M.T. </p><br />
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<p align="center"<big><b><em><font size="+4"><font color="red">Internet Special</big></b></em></font></p><br />
<p align="center"<big><b><em><font size="+2"><font color="black">Buy A 1 Hour Massage Get a 1/2 Hour FREE!</big></b></em></font></p><br />
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Thanks <br />
Chris<!--content-->Why is resizing a problem? You got an online example?<!--content-->