OHW - Member Generator!! Tested on 3.8!!


New Member
See 3.7 post for update info:
-- 3.7 works on 3.6 and 3.8 --

This little generator makes you members instantly. It generates random names, followed by random numbers and a random password. This is useful for forums that need a little extra boost in membercount.

Upload to forum/admincp/ directory. Do not place in any unprotected areas as people can use it to DDoS your SQL database as it creates users by moddifing the SQL database. (I've tore down a few noobs sites this way lol)

Useage: Go to the file, yourdomain.com/forum/admincp/usergenbyohw.php and follow the directions!

Notes: Fake logged in users tested and working on vBulletin 3.8 RC1. Please remember to backup your forum before useage of this gen!

Proof/Demo of FLIU: http://www.webdevpros.net/test
it dosent work on my forum it puts users underneath My Usergroup legenend bar link there all different usergroups.
i tried this on a test forum made me 10 members logged on to admin panel went to the stats it does not show in registered users which is a shame