.OFT file not opening properly.....

I have a .oft (Office Template) file that opens up as an e-mail when it's opened up from my local hard drive. However, when opened up off our intranet site, it opens up in the browser window. Does anyone have any tips on this?<!--content-->Anybody?<!--content-->it al depends on what the local machine opens that ype as. are you using outlook throughout the network? each machine will be different as to what file types it opens with what program.<!--content-->What exactly do you mean "it opens up in the browser window"?<br />
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As I far as I know an OFT file is an Outlook Item Template, not an Office Template (after all Office is a collection of programs, not anything specific). You would therefore expect it to open up in Outlook or Outlook Express.<br />
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Can you clarify what it is you are trying to achieve? ;)<!--content-->Well, I have this .oft file that I created so that people could click a link on the site and it would open up a preformatted e-mail for them to send. This is just a temporary solution until I can implement something more efficient. <br />
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Anyway, when I open up the page (which is contained on my local drive) that contains the link and then click on the link, it opens up a preformatted e-mail message. Remember, all these files were on my local drive before posting them to the server. Well, it all worked fine until I posted it to the server. Now that the files are on the server, it opens the .oft file in the current IE browser window. I don't know about Netscrap, nor do I care (IE is required for use at my base).<br />
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I just can't figure out why it would work when the files are contained on my local drive, but not work when they're located on the server. Hopefully this makes a little more sense. If not, I'll try to explain it again.<!--content-->Anybody else?<!--content-->Nevermind, I figured it out. Apparently, the guy that runs the intranet server decided to chang a few things. Such as changing my .oft extension to a .rtf extension. I should've noticed this sooner!:mad: <br />
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Anyway, turns out he's been doing this to a lot of people. So, tomorrow, my Commander is going over to have a talk with his Commander. I think someone's in trouble!:P <br />
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